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Kinderheilstätte Pro Juventute


The “Pro Juventute Children’s Sanctuary” was founded in 1923 in Davos, Switzerland. It was set up by the Pro Juventute Foundation to provide special medical treatment and care to children and young people suffering from tuberculosis.

  • In the 1920s and 1930s, tuberculosis was a widespread disease, and Davos was a popular place for the treatment of tuberculosis patients due to its location and climate. The “Pro Juventute children’s sanatorium” offered patients a child-friendly environment in which they could recover and improve their health.


  • In the 1950s, the children's sanatorium was expanded to include a school to provide an education for children who were unable to attend a regular school due to their illness. The school offered students individual attention and support to improve their academic performance.


  • Over the years, the Pro Juventute children's sanatorium has developed into a leading center for the treatment of children and young people with chronic illnesses and disabilities. The staff consisted of experienced doctors, nurses and educators who worked closely together to provide the children with the best possible medical treatment and educational support.

  • In the 1980s, the children's sanatorium was modernized and restructured. She now focused on treating children and adolescents with mental illness and behavioral problems. The facility was renamed the Pro Juventute Center for Young People and offered a wide range of treatment and support options for young people.​


  • At the beginning of 2009, “Tutti” suffered the fate of most clinics in Davos. It had to close - to the regret of everyone who has happy childhood memories of the house on the mountain.

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