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Medizinmuseum Davos

Come in and learn about Medical history in Davos

Why a medical museum in Davos?

The central aim of the "Documentation of Medical Scientific Development" foundation, which was founded on November 6, 1988, is to process the continuously collected contemporary evidence of the fascinating history of medicine in Davos and to make it available to broad sections of the population.


Founders were:

  • Dr. med. Peter Braun, Zürcher Höhenklink Clavadel,

  • Prof. Dr. med. Peter Matter, Working Group for  Osteosynthese,

  • the municipality of Davos, represented by Landammann Erwin Roffler

  • and Davos Tourismus, represented by the then president, Hanspeter Angerer and director Bruno Gerber.


On December 3, 1999, the Davos Medical Museum opened its first exhibition. Since then there have been regular thematic exhibitions. So far 22 Exhibitions on the history of medicine in Davos are offered.


The medical history collection already includes more than 500 objects, large parts of which are stored in depots for future exhibitions.

© 2020 by Medizinmuseum Davos   ¦   Impressum   

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